Tuesday, January 06, 2009

2009 Resolutions

I was going to resolve to not make any resolutions, but then I realized that that's the one resolution that breaks itself. So here they are:

1. Eat only at mealtimes.
2. Clean my basement.
3. Put out a new VIC release
4. Learn Java
5. Listen to my backlog of audio dramas.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

And here's a gift for the new year. A recipe for Shampagne... much smoother than real champagne, if your tastes run toward Boone's Farm or Mad Dog 20/20.

2 fingers Captain Morgan's spiced rum.
8 oz Welches' sparkling grape juice.

That's it. Enjoy.

Credit for the recipe goes to Dave Wade of Union, SC, who invented it tonight for no explicable reason other than he doesn't like real champagne. I have to admit, it ain't bad.